• large carnivore
  • large carnivore
  • large carnivore
  • large carnivore
  • large carnivore
  • large carnivore
  • large carnivore
  • large carnivore
  • large carnivore
Conservation of large carnivore in Vrancea County
At the top of the trophic pyramid, large carnivores are key elements in ecological relations governing the natural environment of Romania. They are indicative species of habitats quality and of functionality of inter- and intra-species relations between elements of the natural ecosystems. In the last century, large carnivores species were in Romania at the limit of survival, while in Europe they have disappeared from many regions, those is obligatory for us to have the social maturity of not moving in the wrong direction. Large carnivores are important species for the community, not just for small groups of researchers, hunters, protected area managers or nature lovers. They exist to remember us that the laws of nature were not written by humans. We believe that acceptance is the keystone of coexistence and that the responsible approach of management objectives is a shared desire of all stakeholders wanting continuity for the continuity of large carnivores.

Our vision: "Coexistence with the man of the populations of bear, wolf, laughter and otter as key elements in preserving the natural equilibrium of Romanian ecosystems."

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carnivore mari focsani vrancea carnivore mari focsani vrancea
carnivore mari focsani vrancea
Addressed to general public, contain thematic maps and information about project’s activities, conflict areas, “no go” areas for tourists for seasons, Natura 2000 sites and management activities, areas with different conservation status, contact details and competence areas of the public institutions, administrators of the protected areas and wildlife management areas, etc.
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LIFE13NAT / RO / 000205
projects under implementation
The implement of the best conservation practices for the conservation of wolf (Canis lupus) in the Carpathian Mountains

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LIFE URSUS - LIFE08NAT / RO / 000500
implemented projects
Best practices and demonstrative actions for conservation of Ursus arctos specie in Eastern Carpathians Romania

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LIFE05NAT / RO / 000170
implemented projects
Enhancing the protection system of large carnivores in Vrancea County.

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LIFE02NAT / RO / 8576
implemented projects
In-situ conservation of large carnivores in Vrancea County.

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